Typically, Lettuce growers utilize beds from 40″ to 80″ and used multiple lines of drip tape per bed. Lettuce growers utilize the drip tape for either one season, and use single-use drip tape, or retrieve the drip tape for multiple uses. Large scale growers use three pieces of equipment from Andros which include an injection unit for installing the drip tape, a extractor to free up the drip tape from the plants and soil, and a retrieval unit to roll up multiple drip tape rows at a time.
Field Information
- Crop: Lettuce
- Bed size (width): 80″
- Drip tape diameter: 5/8″
- Drip tape wall thickness: 5 mil
Functional Requirements
- Rows (beds) installed per pass: 3
- Drip tape lines (laterals) per bed: 3
- Installation depth: 1″ below surface
- Precise installation of drip tape
- Replace dirt over drip tape
Note: Andros equipment can be custom configured and include additional integrated functions.
Common Installation Equipment Configurations
BOSS Drip Tape Injection Implement (TB2103-001)
- Folding implement
- 3-Row 80″/84″ (9-lines)
- 0-6″ Installation depth
- Ground-following system
BOSS Drip Tape Injection web page and video

BOSS Drip Tape Injection Implement (TB1902-001)
- 3-Row 80″ (9-lines)
- 0-6″ Installation depth
- Ground-following system
BOSS Drip Tape Injection web page and video

Common Extraction Equipment Configurations

BUMPY Drip Tape Lifter Implement (TL1701-001)
- Folding implement
- 3-Row 80″ (9-lines)
BUMPY Drip Tape Lifter web page and video
Common Retrieval Equipment Configurations
ULTRA Binder Trailer
- For recycle or disposal
- Creates compacted rolls (200-300 lbs. rolls)
- Available with or without integrated power unit
ULTA Binder Retrieval Trailer web page and video

MEGA Binder Trailer
- Best suited for Andros Recycling Program
- Creates large, condensed rolls (800-1,000 lbs.)
- Available with or without integrated power unit
- Available in different trailer sizes and options
MEGA Binder Retrieval Trailer web page and video

MEGA Binder Trailer
- Best suited for Andros Recycling Program
- Creates large, condensed rolls (800-1,000 lbs.)
- Available with or without integrated power unit
- Available in different trailer sizes and options
MEGA Binder Retrieval Trailer web page and video