
Innovative How You Farm With Andros


Andros helps farmers achieve greater efficiencies, reductions in costs and labor, and improvements in sustainability through innovation. Innovations in equipment and services that reduce or replace labor intensive field practices with highly efficient mechanized solutions. From the industry’s best drip irrigation equipment to custom designed equipment, Andros can help you innovate in the field. Contact Andros to see how our Agricultural Equipment, Agricultural Services, and Research & Development Divisions can help you work smarter, not harder.


Orchard and Vineyard Tear Outs

Rent retrieval equipment and recycle hose for orchard and vineyard tear outs.
If you are planning on tearing out or replacing orchards or vineyards you will need to remove the drip lines. Andros offers operators and farmers the opportunity to remove the drip lines more efficiently and create rolls that can be transported and recycled through the Andros recycling program. Andros Mega binders can be rented or purchased. To find out more about the equipment and recycling programs call 805-227-2801.

Andros orchard drip line removal page

Application Examples

Installation – vineyard nursery

Mining applications

Drip tape extraction – onions

Drip tape retrieval – corn


Multifunctional Installer – Drip Tape, Bed shaper, Mulch layer and edge burial, and Perforated Holes.

Andros provides equipment for installing and retrieving drip lines and plastic sheeting in mining applications.

Andros Beast extractors extract drip tape lines and squeeze water out of the lines.

Andros Mega binder retrieves multiple lines of drip tape from corn crops.

Retrieval – hoop house plastic

Extraction – drip tape extraction shallow

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Mega Binders are good choice to retrieve hoop house plastic. Efficient retrieval and creates a roll ideal for recycling.

Beast extractors are good choices to extract drip tape from shallow burial (4 inches) in leafy crops.