Application Center

CROP CENTER (Drip irrigation equipment by crop)

Learn about the most common Andros equipment used by crop. Not all growers use the same equipment configuration for each crop, but the linked equipment specifications will give you a general idea of the type of equipment used.

Corn (SDI)

(Drip tape installation, extraction, and retrieval)


(Drip tape installation, extraction, and retrieval)


(Drip line retrieval)


(Drip tape installation, extraction, and retrieval)

A green field of young corn plants with a farm in the background
Field of hemp. Cannabis Sativa. Industrial kind (technical cannabis)
Unsupported UNICODE string
A field of lettuce plants are ready to be harvested, in the Salinas Valley of central California, an agricultural hub known as "the salad bowl of the world".

(Drip line installation and retrieval)

Orchards and Vineyard Removal

(Drip line retrieval)

Tomatoes – Processing

(Drip tape installation, extraction, and retrieval)

Vineyard Plastic


Bird's-eye view of an orange tree in the garden.
green agriculture fields and sunset in blue sky with clouds